Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Timing... it's a strange thing. By definition timing is "the selecting of the best time or speed for doing something in order to achieve the desired or maximum result." As a Christian, I believe that God has a timing for my life. But, like in many ways, I doubt Him constantly. It feels like the right time for something and nothing happens. Then something great comes along and the timing feels completely wrong. Blah. I suppose the problem is probably that I'm trying to squeeze God's perfect timing into my own. I want to believe that what I'm forcing is His will and will be blessed by Him. But by not trusting Him regarding the timing of things, I know that it's not going to be His timing.

I've never been a patient person. When I was born, the nurse went into the hall to call the doctor to let him know my mom was ready to deliver and she came back in time to "catch me" as the story goes. I don't want to wait for things. I logically understand that God has a plan for my life and he has a timing. I just don't always like it. If I could choose a magical or super power my second choice would be to make things happen when I want them (after the ability to fly of course... because come on... that would be awesome). How do I pray for the patience to trust God's timing? Isn't my stated problem the lack of desire to wait for something to happen? The act of trying to trust His timing, requires that I trust His timing. He's a tricky, tricky God isn't he?

I guess that now I'm just rambling to let some of my many thoughts out of my head before I go back to work and fill it up again. It's hard to be introspective and ruminative and aware. It makes me feel sleepy. Well... if you've had the patience to finish this ramblily-ramble, thanks... I appreciate someone listening to me for a change.

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