Monday, July 21, 2008


I was thinking the other day about blogs and social networking sites. They make our lives so transparent to everyone... but what makes us think other people care about every detail of what we think or say? Am I that full of myself that I think everyone cares when "... is tired after a long day." It's like we're breeding people for narcissism. At least I got to experience a chunk of my life without these things. Kids growing up right now think nothing of sharing person details to anyone who will listen. Will this stop my narcissism as I subject those around me to mindless details? Probably not, but it makes you think huh?

1 comment:

CaptinsRio said...

Yeah, I think part of it has to do with being the center of attention in the cyber world and the thought of alot of people reading YOUR stuff...But,I also think it's sort of like a confessional where one is baring their thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities and somehow gaining a sense of peace with the purging of information. I also think it is a way of people trying to connect, relate and gain understanding