Saturday, July 26, 2008

Car Musings: part I

I complain a lot.

Partly because complaining is the way I vent frustrations: if I say it outwardly then it doesn't all stay inside to fester. But I think I complain partly because I'm an ungrateful being at times. If I was being severely persecuted for my beliefs, or if I was stricken with poverty, or if I was homeless maybe then I would appreciate what I did have. Why does it take that much to be thankful? I'm blessed to have a relationship with the creator of the entire universe. I have a chance to be loved, forgiven, and saved... yet I still find plenty of time to complain when my job is a little stressful or someone doesn't return an e-mail. Who does that?!? Salvation is such an amazing gift it shouldn't matter what my circumstances are... that should be enough... that should be more than enough. But it doesn't always feel like it... I don't let it. I sit around and grumble about my poor little life. It's like getting the perfect gift for Christmas and critiquing the wrapping paper or how the ornaments are arranged on the tree. In my good moments I remember that my thankfulness for my relationship with Christ should infect every single moment of my day... I just wish those good moments were as common as all the others.

I'm not sure the purpose of this musing. I guess it's just an outward reminder to myself about how thankful I know I should be for having such an amazing life. And also a reminder that I need to be even more thankful when my life doesn't seem so amazing... or it could just be the fact that I drove 3.5 hours today and my mind wanders a lot.

1 comment:

CaptinsRio said...

You're right!!!! Sometimes, we tend to forget that we definitely have much more in life to be thankful for than to complain about. And, when life is hard, it's for a purpose and it's temporary....