Saturday, May 24, 2008

So far, so good

Being 26 -- Day 2:

I know it's only been 2 days, but so far... 26 is pretty darn good. I've got a good job, lots of awesome friends, a nice place to live, and a God who loves me way more than I deserve. I don't think a relationship about God is about getting. God isn't a genie granting my wishes when I do what he wants. But it's such a great feeling to try to be obedient, and faithful, and do what he asks me to do (try being the operative word) and to have that affirmed in some context. We shouldn't follow God for what he can give to us, but maybe when we live without expectation of receiving... that's when we are open to receive the most.

Is it just me or am I actually wiser than I was on the 22nd?

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