Sunday, October 26, 2008

In a funk

How much easier would life be if we were born with an instruction manual? If God already knows the plans that He has for me and He knows how it all turns out... why can't He make it more clear to me? I know all the "listen closer" "ask and you will receive" stuff, but today I'm just wanting answers! I'd like to hear a knock at my door, and open it to see God waiting to tell me what the next step should be in my life. I feel like I'm never sure exactly and so I carefully wade into it all unsure of how much to invest. Why can't it all be more clear? The answer always seems to be "step out in faith" but how do I know that I'm where God wants me to step. I would be so much more willing to jump into things with both feet if only I knew it was the right pool.

God is clearly with me in the difficult times. He has proved that many times. It's in the blah days that my frustration keeps me from calling out for help. Then I just sit around, like now, in a grumpy funk... fighting against the only thing that will make it better. May this whining blog posting keep me motivated to not let anything, even myself, get in the way of what God has planned.

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